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Upcoming Activities Announcements


UPAC members are welcome to sign up to receive the nonprofit Old Pueblo Archaeology Center’s semimonthly upcoming-activities email blasts that provide announcements about archaeology, history, and culture-related activities offered by Old Pueblo and other organizations including tours, presentations, volunteer opportunities, and museum exhibits. Anyone may subscribe to Old Pueblo’s emailing list by going to, scrolling down to the Subscribe section, and entering email address and name there. One can unsubscribe from the list at any time.

Old Pueblo Archaeology Center also invites UPAC members to submit information about your upcoming lectures, tours, classes, exhibit openings, and other public activities relating to archaeological and historical topics in the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico for possible listing in Old Pueblo's upcoming-activities email blasts, which now go out to nearly 5,000 email addresses twice per month. For these announcements Old Pueblo’s area of interest extends from and includes Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas on the east to California on the west, and southward to include the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Sonora, and Baja California.

In order for Old Pueblo to consider submittals for our email blasts, we need to receive information about the activity at least two days before we send our announcements, but more lead time would be better. Our usual send dates are the first of each month and sometime between the 11th and 16th of each month. I say “to consider” because I don’t always have time to copy and reformat other organizations’ submittals for our announcements, and I focus on events having to do with archaeology, history, and cultures of the US Southwest/Mexico Northwest, so not all submittals fit this area of interest.

To give you an idea of what Old Pueblo’s upcoming-activities emails look like, I can forward our most recent one upon request.

Here is the information we need for each listing in our upcoming-activities emails:

  • Event month, date, and year.

  • Community (or nearest one) where it will be held (for example, “Near Monticello, UT”).

  • Event title.

  • Name of presenter/leader/coordinator if there is one.

  • Name and headquarters address of the organization offering the event.

  • Whether the event is online, OR the event’s street address, city, and state, OR both if it is a hybrid online/in-person programPhysical addresses must be specific enough that one can find them using Google Maps and smartphone mapping apps.

  • Event start and end times.

  • Event fee or donation, or general admission fee, required to attend, otherwise indicate it is free to attend.

  • Event description (100 words maximum).

  • Whether reservations are required.

  • Name, phone number and email address of person who can be contacted for reservations, registration, or more information; and/or website where one can go for more information or register or join the program.

  • We will consider including one photo or other illustration (jpg format) per submittal.

I usually try to include as many announcements from other organizations as possible in each upcoming-activities broadcast. However, I do all the data entry as a volunteer in my spare time, so I am more likely to include in Old Pueblo’s listings those events for which the sponsors send us the information listed above in the text of an email or in a Microsoft Word file from which I can quickly copy and paste text, rather than in pdf, jpg, or other format that hinders or prevents copying and pasting.

We do not charge to include other organizations’ events in Old Pueblo Archaeology Center’s upcoming-activities email broadcasts. We do not send attached files with the broadcasts (but links are OK), and we do not list other organizations’ events on Old Pueblo Archaeology Center’s website (



Allen Dart, RPA 12244, Executive Director (Volunteer)

Old Pueblo Archaeology Center

PO Box 40577

Tucson AZ 85717-0577 USA


Old Pueblo Archaeology Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to educate children and adults to understand and appreciate archaeology and other cultures, to foster the preservation of archaeological and historical sites, and to develop a lifelong concern for the importance of nonrenewable resources and traditional cultures. Our Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is 86-0750306.


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