The Utah SHPO is hosting an online workshop for Preservationists and anyone who fills out NRHP nominations.
Here are the topics that will be explored:
SHPO Updates
Office Staff Introductions (old and new faces)
Rio Grande/SHPO Office Update (Chris Merritt, Jansen Bennett)
Scanning update – what has been scanned so far/future plans (Chris Hansen)
National Register Discussion (Cory Jensen)
Updates (various and sundry items)
NRHP Email Blast updates
New NRHP Standard form
What needs to be submitted and how (PDFs, title search, research, etc)
File naming convention (form, photos, figures, maps)
Photo image file size, etc
Owner contact information and email required
Additional Documentation Basics
Historical Districts Discussion
Narrative Description/Narrative Statement of Significance discussion
Photography discussion
Questions (if there’s time)
Tax Credit Discussion (Amber Anderson)
Basic Process/Instructions
Consultant Role, Resources
Tips for Successful Application and Review
Common Issues in HTC Applications
Other Discussion
RSVP at this website to let them know you're coming!