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Manti-La Sal National Forest GS-0193-09/11 Opening





Manti-La Sal National Forest

Phone (435) 477-2679


120 Day Temporary Promotion Outreach Notice

Permanent Opportunity Outreach Notice






The Manti-La Sal National Forest is seeking a well-qualified, highly skilled, and motivated individual to fill either a temporary promotion and/or a permanent archaeologist position.  The position will be located on the Manti-La Sal National Forest, Ferron-Price or Sanpete Ranger Districts, in Price, Ferron, or Ephraim, Utah.

About the position:

The incumbent will be responsible for developing, coordinating, and implementing the Heritage Program’s annual program of work, including supervision of seasonal employees and participation in the necessary fieldwork to complete projects on the ranger districts.  Projects range from special use permit authorizations to large, landscape level range, vegetation, and fuels management activities.  Projects, regardless of size, are often complex and require good oral and written communication skills with both internal and external customers and partners.  Public outreach, especially with Forest Service retirees, volunteers, local communities, universities, historic preservation organizations, is very important to this position. 


Primary duties include:

Provides advice on identification and management of Heritage and Cultural Resources Program, including development of immediate objectives, integration with resource activities, and establishment of priorities.


Assists in ensuring integration with heritage and cultural resource activities and establishment of priorities.  Works with the forest program manager in project planning and prioritization of work for the unit’s archaeological and cultural activities.


Designs inventory strategies as part of the NEPA planning process based on Forest-wide priorities and needs.


Organizes, supervises, or directly performs inventory of areas. Work includes preparation of maps, inventories, reports, and records related to the discovery, protection, inventory, salvage, and interpretation of heritage and cultural resource areas.


Reviews reports as part of project planning to evaluate the quality of the inventory, the completeness of the report, and the significance of heritage or cultural sites found.  Prepares determinations of effect for such projects identified during project inventories.  Recommends mitigation procedures.


Determines eligibility of historical properties for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).  Ensures program data for documentation submission including NRHP eligibility criteria, legal documents to fulfill programmatic requirements, and internal reports.


Interprets heritage and cultural resources to the public and professional contacts through presentations at professional conferences, visitor facilities, professional journals, etc.


Assists in developing and carrying out projects related to stewardship enhancement and public interpretation of heritage and cultural resources, such as partnership agreements and site steward programs.


To express interest in this position, either complete the attached form and send it with a resume to Andrew Orlemann at or apply through the Forest Service Outreach Database by February 26, 2024.

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