Well, hey there! It's me, your friendly neighborhood webmaster, Elizabeth. I've been enacting some functionality changes that I hope you'll like, let me walk you through them!
Membership Dues directly through our website
No longer do you need to wrestle with PayPal! Use your credit or debit card and pay your dues through our website.
Dues are no longer on a Jan-Dec basis. You will be paid up for 12 months no matter when you start.
Automatic renewals. Unless you want otherwise, our system will default to an automatic renewal. This will help you keep your membership current and it will help UPAC budget for the year.
You will have access to your member profile where you can keep track of your membership status, keep your information up to date with UPAC, and of course participate in UPAC News.
Digital-Only Content Migration
Over the summer UPAC members voted overwhelmingly to publish our journal online in the future. (See the FAQs for more information.)
There is a new "Members Only" area where you can read and download the latest two issues of Utah Archaeology right now
"Members" are people who have paid their dues through our website. Once you pay for 2024 access will magically open for you. Don't fret if you can't access the webpage now and aren't ready to pay your dues because:
We have printed and mailed the 2021 issue, and 2022 will appear in hardcopy in Summer 2024. You will have 2022 mailed to you.
The 2023 issue likely won't appear until Fall/Winter 2024 at the latest, giving you an entire year to become a member through this website.
Webhosting for past issues used to be handled through the Utah Division of State History, but they have declined to continue hosting for us.
I've uploaded all the past issues to our website and I'm currently wrestling with our formatting to make them available to all. For the moment you can see most of them, and 2012-2019 should be available shortly. I just need more coffee.
You too can write UPAC News content!
Long long ago UPAC published a newsletter. It was printed on trees and mailed to people. You can actually read them here!
We've updated our method a little bit since the early 1990s, and for the last 18 months we've had UPAC News in blog format.
There are 82 of us currently getting this bloggy-newsletter and only a couple of us writing. I want to encourage everyone to become a writer for our blog!
It's really easy to become a writer, you can email me or fill out our form.
The blog creation process is not complicated and you can get your message out to a growing number of UPAC members (plus some other lookie-loos👀)
I think that's everything for right now! I hope the webpage functionality is improving for everyone, and of course you can email me or find me in the real world to talk about changes you would like to see.
Bye for now!