Hot off the presses, here are the results from the 2022 UPAC Member Survey.
The UPAC Executive Committee wants to extend a huge THANK YOU too all who participated. Each survey response was taken seriously as a way to reflect on past UPAC actions and events, and to determine a path for this organization into the future.
Respondents were generally positive of this organization and it's potential to serve the community of archaeologists here in Utah. Many members would like to see the functions of UPAC expand into the areas of supporting students and entry-level professionals, and facilitating conversations between UPAC members and between UPAC and outside entities.
To hit these goals, the UPAC Executive Committee has started planning the Winter Meeting early this year (Check out our "Save the Date") and we intend to include ways for young professionals especially to network with CRM organizations and universities, the Executive Committee is also using this blog to communicate with UPAC members and interested members of the public. If you would like to get UPAC News in your inbox or if you would like to post your own news/make comments, please create an account by clicking "Log In" at the top of the page and/or following these instructions.
And please do comment on this News post, on our social media, or by emailing Thank you again for your survey responses, and we look forward to discussing them at the Winter Meeting!